Your valid library card must be presented when borrowing materials.
Loan Periods For Borrowed Materials
02 Day Items:
14 Day Items:
Audio Books
Holiday Books
New Books
28 Days Items:
All other books
All items, except New DVDs and Holiday Books, can be renewed 2 times if there is NOT a waiting list for that item.
Overdue Fines
The New Milford Public Library is FINE FREE. We do not impose late charges on our materials. The library still has a set time limit for materials to be borrowed and we expect items to be returned on time.
If an item is borrowed from a library that still imposes fines, you will be assessed that late fine.
Fines for removing barcodes, date due stickers, and for missing pieces:
$1.00 and up per item
Fines for repackaging items:
$5.00 and up per item
Lost Library Card:
$5.00 per card
Replacement Charges
Fees for Lost or Damaged Materials will be charged according to the unit pricing of the item. Fines and replacement charges cannot be waived for items belonging to other libraries.
Lost and Paid Items
Refunds will be given for a lost and paid item within 30 days. After 30 days a $5.00 processing fee will be charged. Refunds can take up to 30 days.
Senior Citizens
Fines are waived for New Milford Senior Citizens (over 60) for Books, Magazines, Audio Books and CDs. Senior Citizens fines are NOT waived for DVDs or Video Games.
Fine Policies for other BCCLS libraries maybe differ from New Milford Public Library. Fines are charged according to the owning library’s policy.
Library Services
BCCLS – The New Milford Public Library is a member of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS). Your library card may be used in person or online in all 77 BCCLS libraries.
PIN – When you receive your library card the last 4 digits of your library barcode are issued as your PIN number. You may reset your PIN the first time you login into your Library Account. Your PIN is needed to check your borrower record and renew your library items online.
E-Mail Address – Your e-mail address is requested so that you may be notified when requested items are ready for pick-up; receive overdue item alerts; and receive advanced notice of upcoming programs and services.
Materials from outside of BCCLS – Materials not owned by this library or BCCLS may be obtained from other libraries. Please ask the Reference Librarian about this service.
Home Bound Delivery Service is available by calling 201-262-1221 ext. 201.
Book Drops – The main library book drop is located in the front of the library by the Dahlia Avenue Entrance. It is available to return library items whenever the library is closed.
Rules of Conduct
- Shoes and shirts must be worn in the library
- Wearing of cleats is not permitted
The following activities are not permitted in the library:
- Eating, drinking or smoking
- Playing of audio equipment so others can hear it
- Cell phone use is strictly prohibited
- Interfering with another person’s use of the library
- Disruptive conduct
- Leaving a child under the age of 7 anywhere in the library without the supervision of their adult caregiver
- Animals are not permitted in the library with the exception of those needed to assist a patron
- Misusing the restrooms
The following activities are not permitted on library grounds:
- Bicycling, skateboarding and rollerblading
- Library privileges will be limited or suspended for the following reasons:
- Damaging library property
- Stealing library materials
- Threatening or physically harming staff or patrons
- Disruptive behavior
Children and Unattended Persons Policy
The New Milford Public Library is committed to providing a welcoming and safe environment for children of all ages. Service to children is an important part of the Library’s mission.
The well-being and safety of children and dependent persons (individuals of any age who are unable to make decisions about their own safety and well-being) can be of serious concern. The Library is a public building open to all individuals. It is not the Library staff’s function or purpose to provide supervision or to care for children or dependent persons while parents, guardians or caregivers are unavailable.
The Library staff is not authorized to act in place of parents, guardians or caregivers. Staff members are responsible for assisting all Library customers and cannot adequately monitor unattended children. Responsibility for the safety and behavior of minor children and dependent persons in the Library rests with the parent, guardian or caregiver, not with the library staff.
For the protection of children and dependent persons who visit the Library, the following policy has been instituted:
- Elementary school age children (Kindergarten-Grade 5) and younger must be accompanied by an adult or a responsible, mature caregiver when visiting the Library. Children must be supervised at all times in all parts of the Library building and on Library grounds.
- All patrons, including unattended minors using the Library alone or independent of parental supervision, are subject to the Library’s Rules of Conduct set forth in the Library Conduct policy. If the behavior of a patron of any age is in violation of this policy, Library staff may ask the patron to leave the Library and Library privileges may be suspended or revoked. Discipline problems are so varied that each situation will be handled as it occurs.
- If unattended children remain at the Library at closing time, staff will attempt to contact parents but may not and will not assume responsibility to care for or transport the child. Staff members are not permitted to take the child out of the building or to transport the child to another location. If the child or the staff cannot reach the parent or guardian within fifteen (15) minutes of closing, the Staff Member In Charge will call the police. Two staff members will remain with the child until suitable arrangements are made with the police, parent or guardian.
- Any dependent person or child who is not able to leave the Library without an adult, should not be in the Library unaccompanied by a parent, guardian or responsible, mature caregiver.